Is It Illegal to Marry Your Cousin in Connecticut? Here’s What the Law Says

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Is It Illegal to Marry Your Cousin in Connecticut? Here's What the Law Says

In Connecticut, marrying your first cousin is currently legal. However, there have been discussions and proposals to change this law.

Key Points:

  • Current Law: As of now, Connecticut allows first cousins to marry, making it one of the states where this practice is legal.
  • Proposed Changes: There have been legislative proposals to prohibit marriages between first cousins, but these have not yet been enacted.
  • Consanguinity Laws: Connecticut prohibits marriages between closer relatives, such as parents, grandparents, children, grandchildren, siblings, and certain other relatives by blood or affinity.

Legal Considerations:

  • Annulment: If a marriage is deemed invalid due to consanguinity or other reasons, it may be subject to annulment rather than divorce.
  • Genetic Concerns: There are concerns about genetic risks associated with consanguineous marriages, but these do not currently impact the legality of first-cousin marriages in Connecticut.

While marrying a first cousin is currently legal in Connecticut, it is important to stay informed about any changes in legislation that might affect this practice in the future.


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