Is It Illegal to Marry Your Cousin in New Hampshire? Here’s What the Law Says

by zane
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Is It Illegal to Marry Your Cousin in New Hampshire Here's What the Law Says

Yes, it is illegal to marry your first cousin in New Hampshire. The Granite State stands out as the only New England state that explicitly bans marriages between first cousins.

New Hampshire’s Marriage Laws

New Hampshire law clearly states that marriage is not permitted between people who are related by blood as first cousins or in any more direct lineage. This prohibition extends to both opposite-sex and same-sex couples. The law aims to prevent potential genetic issues that may arise from close familial marriages and to maintain social norms regarding family relationships.

Exceptions and Nuances

While first cousin marriages are banned, there are some nuances to the law:

  1. First cousins once removed can legally wed in New Hampshire.
  2. Cousins through adoption are not allowed to marry.
  3. The state does allow first cousins to live together and even have sexual relations, though marriage remains prohibited.

Comparison with Other States

New Hampshire’s stance on cousin marriage is relatively strict compared to other states:

  • 24 U.S. states prohibit marriages between first cousins.
  • 19 U.S. states allow marriages between first cousins.
  • 7 U.S. states allow only some marriages between first cousins, often with restrictions.

Some states, like Maine, allow first-cousin marriage with certain conditions, such as genetic counseling. Others, like North Carolina, permit it as long as the couple are not rare double first cousins.

Historical Context

Cousin marriages were more common in the 19th century, often practiced to preserve wealth and strengthen family ties. However, as society evolved and genetic risks became better understood, many states implemented restrictions on such unions.

Legal Consequences

In New Hampshire, attempting to marry a first cousin would result in the marriage being void. While the state doesn’t specifically criminalize the act of marrying a first cousin, it falls under the broader category of incest, which is illegal in all 50 states and punishable by imprisonment and criminal fines.

Other Marriage Restrictions in New Hampshire

Besides the cousin marriage ban, New Hampshire has other notable marriage laws:

  • Proxy marriages and common-law marriages are not recognized.
  • Individuals under 18 need parental approval and a judicial waiver to marry.
  • The minimum age for marriage with parental consent is 13 for females and 14 for males.

New Hampshire’s ban on first-cousin marriages sets it apart from its New England neighbors. While some states are more permissive, New Hampshire maintains a strict stance on this issue, reflecting broader concerns about genetic health and social norms. As with all marriage laws, it’s crucial for couples to understand and comply with state regulations to ensure their union is legally recognized and valid.



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