An illegal immigrant with multiple DWI and theft convictions was deported again: ICE

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An illegal immigrant with multiple DWI and theft convictions was deported again: ICE

Maybe the fifth time is the charm.

A Mexican woman who has been deported from the United States four times and has six convictions for driving while intoxicated and theft was returned to her home country on Thursday.

“I have served in law enforcement for more than 30 years and few things surprise me, but the level of disrespect that this criminal alien has shown for our system of laws and the brave men and women who risk their lives every day to uphold those laws is shocking,” said ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations Houston Field Office Director Bret Bradford.

Leticia Caballero Guadarrama, 53, was transferred from the Montgomery Processing Center in Conroe, Texas, to the Laredo Port of Entry and released into Mexico on Friday, according to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

Guadarrama entered the United States illegally at least six times before voluntarily returning to Mexico in 2002, according to ICE records.

In the years since, she has been deported once in 2003, twice in 2009, once in 2010, and again on Thursday.

Guadarrama had a lengthy criminal history in the United States, having been convicted six times for DWI and six additional times for theft.

She has also received two convictions for refusing to show identification to authorities.

“After repeatedly entering the country illegally and getting behind the wheel intoxicated, she has victimized hard-working Texans over and over again by stealing their money and property and then attempted to avoid accountability by refusing to provide law enforcement with identification after she was caught,” Bradford told the newspaper.

“By carelessly flaunting our system of laws, her actions endangered everyone in the community and have wasted significant taxpayer-funded government resources,” according to him.


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