Pay Attention to the Dates: February and March SSI Payments Were Changed

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Pay Attention to the Dates February and March SSI Payments Were Changed

Were you surprised to see the SSI deposit on your calendar before the end of February? Don’t worry; it’s not an error. It turns out that Social Security (SSA) shifted the payments for February and March 2025 to avoid falling on holidays or weekends. So, rather than waiting until March 1, the money arrived on February 28.

The Social Security Administration prefers to make payments on time, so delays bother it. If the original date falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday, the deposit is advanced to the last business day prior. This also occurred on January 31, when the advance SSI payment for February 1 (a Saturday) arrived early.

How much can you expect to receive if you are a Social Security SSI beneficiary?

For 2025 (up to and including December), payments were increased by the 2.5% cost of living adjustment (COLA), which the SSA hopes will assist beneficiaries in dealing with inflation.

The updated amounts for the different types of SSI benefits are as follows:

  • $976 if you are single.
  • $1,450 if you are part of a couple who applied together.
  • $484 to pay for an essential assistant (that person who helps with daily tasks that the beneficiary cannot do alone).

It’s not a fortune, but every dollar counts. Of course, these numbers could be adjusted for inflation, so stay tuned for updates.

Pay Attention to the Dates: February and March SSI Payments Were Changed
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What about regular Social Security payments?

Ah, that’s another story. In March 2025, deposits are divided into three Wednesdays:

  • Second Wednesday: if you were born between the 1st and 10th of any month.
  • Third Wednesday: if your birthday falls between the 11th and the 20th.
  • Fourth Wednesday: for those from the 21st to the 31st.

This system only covers retirement and survivor benefits. If you receive SSI or other benefits, your schedule will differ because SSI is sent on the first of each month and retirement deposits are due on the third. And be aware that if your date falls on a holiday, you will be paid the previous business day.

The SSA will not notify you via social media, so write down important dates. Check your account at the end of each month, and don’t expect money to arrive on the same day every time. A tip? Activate bank notifications or use budgeting apps. This allows you to avoid surprises and plan your expenses more effectively.

The next SSI payment after the one advanced to February 28 is scheduled for Tuesday, April 1, followed by Thursday, May 1.


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