A volunteer firefighter from Alleghany County died in the line of duty

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A volunteer firefighter from Alleghany County died in the line of duty

Alleghany County, Virginia — The Boiling Springs Volunteer Fire and Rescue Department has lost a 49-year veteran firefighter in the line of duty.

Steve A Weikle, 70, responded with the BSD to a structure collapse on February 13, 2025.

The structure collapsed, trapping farm animals inside it. There were no firefighters injured while removing the animals.

However, a short time later, Weikle was discovered in cardiac arrest outside of his home.

BSD claims that because the medical emergency occurred within 24 hours of working the fire, the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation considers it a line of duty death.

Weikle will be laid to rest with full firefighter honors.

Funeral services will be held on Tuesday, February 18, 2025, at 1 p.m. at the First Christian Church, 231 East Fudge Street in Covington.


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