Georgia is known for having relatively lenient knife laws, making it a popular state for knife owners and outdoor enthusiasts. The state Constitution establishes “the right of the people to keep and bear arms,” and legislators can “prescribe the manner in which arms may be borne”. In 2012 and 2017, Georgia simplified state knife laws, creating less regulation and more uniform enforcement guidelines.
Key Points of Georgia Knife Laws:
- Permitted knives Georgia residents and visitors can own knives such as pocket knives, butterfly knives, machetes, switchblades, daggers, Bowie knives, stilettos, hidden knives, and ballistic knives.
- Open Carry: It is legal to openly carry any knife with a blade shorter than 12 inches.
- Concealed Carry: Concealment is not an issue under Georgia law. However, for blades longer than 12 inches, a weapons permit is required.
- Statewide Preemption: Georgia law provides for statewide preemption, ensuring uniformity in knife regulations across the state.
- Age Restrictions: You must be at least 18 years old to legally purchase, own, or carry a knife intended for attack or defense.
- Criminal Background: Individuals with a felony conviction or first-time offenders are restricted from carrying certain types of knives unless their rights are restored by the state.
Specific Restrictions and Considerations:
- Knife Length: One of the biggest changes to Georgia knife law involved increasing the maximum size allowed for knife blades. The new law more than doubled the permissible maximum knife blade length to 12 inches.
- Weapons Carry License: Any knife that includes a blade longer than 12 inches requires the owner to apply for a license, regardless of whether the license is for open or concealed carry.
- Legal Definition of a Knife: The legal definition of a knife in The Peach State is “a cutting instrument designed for the purpose of offense and defense consisting of a blade that is greater than five inches [now 12 inches] in length which is fastened to a handle”.
- Prohibited Locations: Individuals are prohibited from carrying any type of legal or illegal knife in locations such as jails, courthouses, government facilities, places of worship, mental institutions, and schools.
Ensuring Compliance:
- It is vital to stay informed about the latest legal updates and understand the specifics of Georgia knife laws.
- Always use and carry knives responsibly, recognizing the potential risks and legal implications.
- If in doubt, consulting with legal experts or local law enforcement agencies can provide clarity and guidance.
- Georgia law preempts local ordinances, providing uniform knife law statewide. No municipality, county, or government can create a rule or ordinance to restrict the manufacture, possession, transfer, or sale of a knife more restrictively than the provisions of state law.