You Won’t Believe How Easy It Is to Bring Your Dog to Illinois From Another Country (But Should You?)

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You Won't Believe How Easy It Is to Bring Your Dog to Illinois From Another Country (But Should You)

While bringing your dog to Illinois from another country may seem easy, there are important regulations and health considerations to keep in mind:

Federal Requirements

As of August 1, 2024, the CDC implemented new rules for bringing dogs into the U.S.:

  • Dogs must appear healthy upon arrival
  • Dogs must be at least six months old
  • All dogs must be microchipped
  • Owners must complete the CDC Dog Import Form for dogs from rabies-free or low-risk countries

These regulations aim to prevent the spread of rabies and other diseases. The CDC tightened rules due to a 52% increase in dogs denied entry because of fraudulent paperwork in 2020.

Illinois-Specific Requirements

If Illinois is your final destination, additional requirements apply:

  • Dogs must have an official health certificate issued within 30 days of entry
  • The health certificate must list Illinois as the final destination with a complete address
  • Dogs over 16 weeks old must be vaccinated for rabies
  • Animals must be free from visible evidence of communicable disease

Considerations Before Importing

While the process may seem straightforward, there are important factors to consider:

  1. Health Risks: Imported dogs can potentially introduce diseases. In 2021, a rabid dog from Azerbaijan was imported to Pennsylvania, exposing 12 people and sparking a multi-state investigation.
  2. Origin Matters: Dogs from high-risk rabies countries face stricter regulations. As of 2021, the CDC suspended dog imports from 113 countries with endemic rabies.
  3. Ethical Concerns: Some argue that importing dogs can incentivize overseas puppy mills and negatively impact domestic breeders.
  4. Documentation Challenges: Ensure all paperwork is legitimate. Fraudulent health certificates are a growing concern.
  5. Cost and Logistics: Consider quarantine requirements, travel expenses, and potential veterinary care needs.

While bringing your dog to Illinois from abroad is possible, it requires careful planning and adherence to both federal and state regulations. The ease of the process shouldn’t overshadow the potential risks to public health and animal welfare.

Before deciding to import a dog, consider adopting from local shelters or purchasing from reputable domestic breeders. If you do choose to import, ensure you follow all regulations meticulously to protect both your pet and public health.



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